A brand new feature on ConsortioSecurity.com, Day to Day goes in-depth with the people at the core of our service during their average day on the job.
This month, we get an insight from our Operations Manager for the South East region, Jason Stacey, about his daily responsibilities, working in partnership with clients and what he loves about the Consortio approach.
Jason’s day always starts with the night before to ensure a swift response to any enquiries. “First and foremost, we have a structure in place whereby each morning the Control Centre send out a couple of reports – one for the general business we manage and one for the specific client. The first thing to do is always cast my eyes over those and see how the previous night has gone on site. If anything of note has happened, I act quickly to get into contact with the individuals involved, but fortunately we don’t encounter much of that.”
“Following this, I keep an eye on our SmartTask rosters to see if anything’s changed, such as officers booking holidays. This also involves overseeing the officers’ timesheets, which is important for ensuring our officers don’t become overworked. We also do a morning call on Microsoft Teams, where we all have a chance to catch up with Wayne, our Head of Operations, and he’ll update on us on anything we need to know going on within the company.”
Although the pandemic caused a degree of separation in geography, Jason feels the level of communication and proximity of relationship between himself and our clients and officers has remained constant. “I have a good relationship with officers and clients, the latter of which I speak to as often as they would like to be contacted. Working for Consortio is a breath of fresh air – COVID hit, which brought its own challenges, but all of us were able to rise to it and focus on seeing to the needs of our clients and sites from home.”
Jason is keen to highlight the need for a healthy work/life balance in a role that requires composure, often at irregular hours. “Organising day and night welfare visits to officers is a big part of my job. The geography is quite diverse; I’m based in Southampton, which is great for the sites in the region. If I’m doing a site visit that night, it’s important for me to take some downtime during the day to ensure the visits are as high quality as possible and give time to the officers that I see.”
It would be a mistake to presume Jason’s role purely involves managing our personnel. As he points out, clients are just as key to ensuring the needs of a site are catered to on a daily basis. “As for the client side of things, we do a monthly or quarterly KPI (Key Performance Indicator) meeting dependent on whether there are pressing issues. It’s very important, especially for the student accommodation sector, to provide frequent updates to each other on how things are going. That way we can work together to cater to the upcoming needs of the site.”
Ultimately, Jason is able to succeed as an Operations Manager day in, day out due to his passion for the ethos, structure and approach we employ here at Consortio Security. “The feedback I get is that, because we’re not a vast security corporation, the personal touch is there. If I devote enough of my work time to officers and clients, my private time remains my private time because any concerns or potential challenges are alleviated by virtue of us working together closely and consistently.”