Welcome to the Consortio Security April Newsletter.
I hope you are all keeping well.
The future here at Consortio Security and in the wider country continues to get more positive, as the contribution of each of you to the COVID-19 effort pays off and we begin to exit lockdown.
The next few months are promising to be closer to normality than the last, however the measures required to stop the spread of the virus are still necessary. I’d like to remind you all to remain professional and follow the hands, face, space guidelines, wearing the company face mask where required.
Additionally, we are currently running our quarterly customer satisfaction survey for services delivered in January, February and March. I’d be most grateful to receive your feedback as it is essential for the continual improvement of our service, and we will provide a summary of the result in next month’s newsletter.
Thank you all for your continued hard work and co-operation.
Operations Manager Tom Dilley has nominated Officer Donnelly due to his support and contribution since joining Consortio in January this year. Compliments and praise have been received from multiple clients on how he conducts himself whilst on site and nothing is ever too much to ask. Officer Donnelly has become an integral part of the team in such a short period of time and this is a testament to his hard work and dedication.
Officer A Bello
Officer Bello is being recognised for Employee of the Month by Regional Manager Jason Stacey. The nomination comes from Officer Bello’s handling of what had the potential to be a very dangerous situation on site involving an unknown person attempting to gain access to the building. The intruder had followed some residents into the building but became trapped in the reception area due to lack of an access fob. Although he was carrying a student card, Officer Bello realised he was not a resident of the building and the police were subsequently called to assist in the removal of the intruder. Officer Bello remained calm and professional and ensured no other residents were involved or affected by the incident.
Officer S Moore
Officer Moore has been nominated for Employee of the Month by South West Operations Manager Rees Jones and the Site Manager. Feedback was received from the site team and students regarding the overall positive impact of Officer Moore. Always willing to go above and beyond her duties to ensure a professional service is provided at all times, we received the following comments from site about Officer Moore:
“I have been very impressed with the contribution, work ethic and overall can-do attitude of your team member Officer Moore. Officer Moore always puts the student’s safety first and is very thorough in her reporting and handover to our day team.”
Well done. The recognition is justly deserved.
Officer B Isofa
Officer Isofa has been nominated for Employee of the Month by both Jason Stacey, South East Regional Manager and the Site Manager. The following was received in regard to Officer Isofa’s approach and performance on site:
“Since joining us, I have been really impressed with how well Officer Isofa has taken to his post. He has become a very valued member of the team. We have received some lovely comments from our female residents about how they feel very safe and looked after by the team. They have made mention of how Officer Isofa is very friendly and always chats to them, makes them feel safe and looks out for them when they are outside in the smoking area. This is so nice to hear and is just one of the reasons why so many of our residents are hoping to return to the building next year. Big thanks to Officer Isofa for keeping the building secure and making our residents feel so safe and supported.”
Meet the Team
Meet the Team
As part of a new feature in the Consortio Security Newsletter, we’re interviewing a different member of the team each month about their life in security and beyond.
This month, we’re talking to Wayne Redman, Head of Operations, about his role, his time in the Military Police and the things he’s excited to get back to doing after lockdown:
First and foremost, what are the fundamental duties of the Head of Operations?
“I manage the day-to-day operations. Managing the team who manage the field-based staff, making sure we deliver on what we agree with clients and ensuring compliance and training is at the standard it needs to be at.”
How did you enter the security sector?
“I left the Military Police, did a bit of work in Afghanistan and it was just an easy tranistion. In the Military Police, there is a lot of compliance, investigation and disciplinaries, so it just seemed natural.”
How did you come about joining Consortio?
“I actually applied to be the Operations Manager in the North West but got turned down! About four months later, I got a call from Nathan telling me about a role in the North East, and the rest is history.”
What do you enjoy most about your role?
“What I miss most about the Army is the banter, the rapport you have with the guys and girls, and it’s the same here – I like that engagement with the team.”
What was the biggest takeaway from your time in the Military Police that you went on to implement in your role here?
“Patience, confidence and time management are key. Most of all, I learnt that you can only control what you can control. That comes with experience.”
How do you relax after a busy day as Head of Operations?
“Time with family. My kids are into sports – I like sports and I do a fair bit of running. Reading and studying as well.”
What are you most excited to do post-lockdown?
“Sports. My son does football and Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and I’ve missed going to watch him compete. My daughter’s at the age now where she’s starting to do swimming lessons and gymnastics. Although I’m not taking part anymore, I enjoy watching them compete.”
We’re offering a £250 reward to any staff member who provides a business lead that results in a contract.
All you need to do is let us know about any site where a competitor provides Security Officers. We’ll do the rest!
Email [email protected] with the details. If a contract is awarded to Consortio Security as a result, you will receive a £250 gross bonus in your monthly wages.
Let’s work together to bring exceptional security services to as many sites as possible.
Comments from Clients
– Operations Manager, PBSA Sector
– General Manager, Property Sector
– Operations Manager, PBSA Sector
Message from the COO
Dear Consortio Colleague,
I’d just like to touch on training and the efforts that go into the entire training platform. We have spent a considerable amount of money and time building a platform that has some excellent and relevant packages. We constantly review and update the packages in line with legislation changes as well as operational changes post-after incident reviews so you will all benefit from undertaking as many of the packages as possible. We have agreed in conjunction with our client base that some packages aligned to the operational requirements of our clients’ sites are contractual, meaning that for you to operate on the site in question you must have completed the agreed packages.
I ask that you all fully understand this and complete all packages in a timely manner. It is far better to have completed the package and not need the training rather than having not completed it and then requiring the training once an incident occurs. All packages are for your benefit and will prepare you for the inevitable, so please complete them accordingly. If you are unsure as to what packages you should be doing or you wish to undertake further training then please contact your relevant Operations Manager.
I want to end by wishing you and your families a safe and healthy 2021. Take care.
Nathan Potter
Chief Operating Officer
E-Learning courses range from:
COSHH in the Workplace
Introduction to Health & Safety
Customer Service Level 2
Fire Warden Level 2
Safeguarding and Wellness Training
GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation
Manual Handling
Working at Heights
Accident & Investigation
Counter Terrorism Awareness
Off-job training courses range from:
First Aid 1 & 3 Day
Risk Assessments
SIA Security Guarding
SIA Door Supervisor
SIA CCTV Operative
Conflict Resolution
IOSH (via business partner)
The above courses are delivered by our Head of Training, unless otherwise specified. If you require any further information then please contact [email protected]
This month, we’d like to spotlight Indeed, Glassdoor and Google to get as many of your thoughts as possible.
If you’d recommend working at Consortio Security, we’d appreciate it if you took a minute to drop us a review by clicking one of the links or pictures above.
Centralus April Campaigns
Centralus Benefits Portal
Dear Consortio Colleague,
Your Consortio Security Benefits Portal
Welcome to your Consortio Security Benefits Portal. A one-stop employee engagement suite that provides you with a stream of work perks and wellbeing support.
When working on a full-time contract, around 55% of your day is spent at work. Consortio Security think that it’s appropriate that we make your employment with us as beneficial as possible both to your health and bank balance.
We’d like you to think of it as a one-stop shop not only for all your payroll and pensions information, but also the home of your new benefits suite for you and the family. By Registering on the Consortio Security portal You will benefit from;
· Access to medical support,
· Emotional counselling,
· Fitness tips, nutritional advice
· 1000s of exclusive retail discounts.
The Consortio Security Portal is ultimately rewarding, designed to help raise the health and happiness of you and your family, we did this after much consultation with our employees so hope you take advantage of it now it’s here
After Game Week 31, Andy Love continues to reign supreme and has extended his lead over Shaun Leach to 64 points. Could this now be the telling point of the season? Elliott Moss has quietly moved into 3rd position and is getting closer to 2nd place, with only a 40 point deficit.
Further down the table, Nathan Potter’s resurgence continues and he could well finish in the top half of the table (for the first time). Not doing so well is Wayne Redman. Wayne only managed 18 points this week, with none of his players scoring in double figures. Wayne needs to turn this around if he wants to achieve his ultimate goal of beating Nathan.
From a personal point of view, the highlight of the week was Newcastle United’s away win at Burnley. It’s a pity I didn’t have any Newcastle players in my team, it would have greatly improved my score.
There are only seven game weeks left and everything is still to play for. Make sure that you keep on eye on injuries etc. and put out the best team you can.
Yours in football,
Mick Stone
SIA Qualifications Update
Coronavirus (COVID-19): latest information & advice
Please stay up to date with all the latest guidance and advice via the below:
On the 22nd February, the UK Government unveiled a proposed roadmap for the lifting of current restrictions. It depends on four tests:
The vaccine deployment programme continues successfully
Evidence shows vaccines are sufficiently effective in reducing hospitalisations and deaths in those vaccinated
Infection rates do not risk a surge in hospitalisations which would put unsustainable pressure on the NHS
Our assessments of the risks is not fundamentally changed by new Variants of Concern
The latest development, as of April 12th, is the opening of non-essential retail, personal care premises, public buildings and indoor leisure facilities. You may meet with five other people or one other household outdoors.
If the four tests are satisfied, rules on social contact will change at the earliest as follows:
12th April – the opening of non-essential retail, personal care premises, public buildings and indoor leisure facilities.
17th May – most legal restrictions on meeting outdoors will be lifted, although gatherings of over 30 people will remain illegal. Indoors, the rule of six or two households will apply.
21st June – the Government hopes to be in a position to remove all legal limits on social contact.
Taking into account the Government’s latest advice, we are now in a position to share with all our stakeholders our new COVID-19 Health and Safety Risk Assessment and our Controlling the Risks of Infectious Diseases in the Workplace report.
Further to this, we have included a couple of the Government’s working safely documents that we thought relevant to this month’s newsletter and COVID-19 update.
The following advice has been taken from the Gov.UK website:
Symptoms of coronavirus
If you have any of the main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), get a test as soon as possible. Stay at home until you get the result.
The main symptoms of coronavirus are:
a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
Most people with coronavirus have at least one of these symptoms.
If you have any of the main symptoms of coronavirus:
Get a test to check if you have coronavirus as soon as possible. This can be done via the NHS 111 online coronavirus service.
You and anyone you live with should stay at home and not have visitors until you get your test result – only leave your home to have a test.
Anyone in your support bubble should also stay at home if you have been in close contact with them since your symptoms started or during the 48 hours before they started.
We are seeing instances where employees are turning up for work if a partner has shown symptoms or is awaiting a test result. It is important that you do not attend work until a negative test result has been received.
Further guidance can be obtained from your Operations Manager or me.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Mick Stone
Head of HR
Health Updates from HR
Dear Consortio Colleague,
As an employer who is committed to their workforce, we’d like to remind you of last month’s notice to return the Health Questionnaire emailed to you.
Returning the form can be sent directly to me at [email protected] or by posting to:
Consortio Security Head Office,
6 Boundary Court,
Willow Farm Business Park,
Castle Donington,
DE74 2UD
The envelope should be marked strictly private and confidential and made for my attention. All information received will be handled in accordance with GDPR legislation.
Additionally, can I ask that once you have had a COVID vaccination, either the first or the second, that you email me and provide me with the date that you received it? This is so we can monitor how many of our staff have received the vaccine.
Should you have any questions regarding this matter then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please contact Payroll Manager Christine Frost directly if you have any queries related to your payslip. Email at [email protected] or call 08700123999 option 6. Do not call Centralus as they are just the online platform that we save your payslips on – they have no knowledge of your hours, holidays or wages.
You will need to register to Centralus in order to access your payslips online.
Should you experience any issues with registering or logging into your account, please contact Centralus. Click here for more details.
Pay Dates
To provide all stakeholders with a greater understanding of the Consortio Security employee payment cycle for the forthcoming tax year, we have provided a schedule below with further guidance that will hopefully assist going forward.
Contractually, officer wages need to be in their accounts by close of business on the 15th of each month. Where the 15th of the month falls on a weekend, we will ensure that funds are available on the last working day before the 15th, again by close of business.
15th April 2021
14th May 2021
15th June 2021
15th July 2021
13th August 2021
15th September 2021
15th October 2021
15th November 2021
15th December 2021
Pension queries
For all pension queries please contact Mr Martin Bonnar – Pensions Manager at Centralus on 07864 651 448 or 0800 211 8109. Alternatively, email him at [email protected]
On or just before your first payday, please register on www.consortiosecurity.ibenefit.uk.com to view all of your payslips and pension contributions.
Message from HR
We are being made aware of changes in individuals’ personal circumstances after the event.
As an employer, we pride ourselves on the assistance and help we can afford to our employees, but this is very difficult to do if we are not aware of the problem. If there is a change in your circumstances that you feel the company may need to be made aware of then please either call our Head of Human Resources Mick Stone on 07771 532904 or email him at [email protected]
If we are informed about issues then we can put things in place or offer reasonable adjustments to help as much as we can.
Holiday Booking
As you are aware, we are currently going through unprecedented times, with travel restrictions changing on a daily basis. If you are applying for holiday in future and are planning on travelling abroad can you please, when submitting the holiday application, make your Operations Manager aware of where you are travelling to.
Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Mick Stone
Head of HR
If you know anyone who may be interested in a job, please let them know and ask them to apply through Indeed or email their CV to the HR Department
Whistleblowing Hotline
The number for the Whistleblowing Hotline has changed to 07891 444888.
The purpose of the hotline is to provide a safe and confidential way for employees and other stakeholders to make reports about serious concerns they may have about wrongdoing in the workplace. It ensures that reported concerns are passed directly and unedited to nominated managers. You can either call the hotline number or send a text message to raise any concerns.
Should anyone require any further clarification then please contact me, Mr Mick Stone, Head of Human Resources via email [email protected]
Near Miss Reporting
Near Misses
In keeping with our continual promotion of health & safety, this month we’re again reminding everyone about the importance of near miss reporting.
Each site already has specially printed report cards to encourage easy reporting of near misses and help achieve our goal of being incident and injury free.
However, please feel free to report near misses in any way you can – verbal or email reports to your Operations Manager or our Control Centre are perfectly acceptable.
It’s important that you understand the following:
We will support any employee reporting a near miss; if a task is stopped for a safety reason, we will back the employee.
We will listen and act; any safety concern that is reported will be addressed promptly.
We will not point the finger; if there is an injury, we will conduct an incident investigation in such a way that no-one is blamed. We need to learn so that we can prevent future injuries.
We will allow time to do jobs safely; we will remove any barriers to employees being successful in safety.
You can print your own card by clicking here or report via our website