Our Core Purpose

To begin, back in the summer of 2021, Consortio Security’s shareholders chose to review our mission to ensure that, after 5 years, it remained fit for purpose.
With the support of an external consultant, we came to learn that companies with a clear purpose outperformed the S&P 500 (which is a list of the worlds tops 500 publicly traded companies) by a factor of 10 between 1996 and 2011.

Our management believed that defining the company’s core purpose was the next right thing to do, to improve the company’s competitiveness, internal unity, employee engagement levels, client loyalty and overall performance in a post Covid-19 world, and over a 6 month period we were able to define not only that core purpose (Making our shared world more secure through the power of partnership) but also our client and employee value propositions.

Please visit https://consortiosecurity.com/core-purpose/ for more information on our purpose, or view a recent presentation by our Head of Business Development and Marketing, Jeremy Pye, that announced our Core Purpose to the business.

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